
Ja-Pang(呷胖) 實木面紙盒使用天然的國產原木材料製作,概念源自於最日常的吐司麵包,柳杉的色澤有如全麥麵包,其木節比諭為葡萄果乾等,圓弧的木上蓋就像經過烘烤而蓬鬆的麵包體,都將國產材鮮明的木紋理與色澤轉化成為日常印象與話題。而出紙口設計圓潤不卡紙, 精巧的工法印襯出原木的自然美也凸顯生活的品味.

Ja-Pang 呷胖實木面紙盒(L)_杉木

尺寸: 25x13x11.4cm

材質: 柳杉



*實木面紙盒於盒底設計活動式滑桿, 做為更換面紙之用。
*實木每個紋理與色澤多少會有變化,也有木節,製作過程為手工製作, 尺寸稍有落差, 完美主義者請謹慎考慮。

Ja-Pang(呷胖) 系列的實木面紙盒使用天然的國產原木材料製作,概念源自於最日常的吐司麵包,柳杉的色澤有如全麥麵包,其木節比諭為葡萄果乾、杉木為生土司、臺灣杉為大理石口味等,而手工磨製的圓弧木上蓋就像經過烘烤而蓬鬆的麵包體,將國產材鮮明的木紋理、木節與色澤用設計的角度轉化成為日常印象與話題,進而加深消者對於國產木材的認知與生活鏈結。面紙盒全採實木製作,替換面紙則為底部更換, 透過底部2個實木動橫桿, 可以輕易更換新的面紙盒, 若要固定只需將橫桿傾斜卡住就可以使面紙盒不掉落。而出紙口設計圓潤不卡紙, 精巧的工法印襯出原木的自然美也凸顯生活的品味,表面塗裝使用食用級環保塗料.

Ja-Pang(呷胖) 系列取名到造形乃至包裝都塑造一種將烘培的意象融入產品氛圍裡,並將木紋塑造成各式各樣口味的麵包藉以營造生活感與消費者拉近距離


Ja-Pang , solid wood tissue box is crafted from natural, domestically sourced wood, inspired by the everyday form of a loaf of bread. The color of the Japanese Cedar resembles whole wheat bread, while the knots in the wood are likened to raisins. The rounded wooden lid mimics the fluffy, baked surface of a loaf. This design concept transforms the distinct grain and color of local wood into a familiar, everyday impression that sparks conversation. The tissue opening is designed with smooth edges to prevent snagging, while the meticulous craftsmanship highlights the natural beauty of the wood, enhancing both functionality and aesthetic appeal in daily life.


The Ja-Pang Collection, from its name to its design and packaging, is crafted to infuse the imagery of baking into the product's ambiance. The wood grain is artfully shaped to resemble various types of bread, creating a sense of everyday life and fostering a closer connection with consumers.


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